Thursday, April 30, 2015

Training Your Dog for Protection is not a Game


Aside from the misconception about Bark and Hold way to train your dog, the full mouth bite is another huge one. Due to the belief, many law enforcement agencies hold that a full mouth bite will help them avoid lawsuits; they tend to think when faced with strain or pain of death, the dog will let training take over and give a full mouth bite. A dog trained that way may even test well during a U.S.P.C.A. trial. 


Predators, like dogs, possess four large canine teeth. When threatened, a dog will use them. It is a natural impulse and he will not stop and think to bite down with his molars. That is the reason actual bite marks are in the form of four punctures. A dog knows that his molars will be useless when biting through heavy clothing, naturally he will use his canine teeth for a more penetrating and effective bite. No amount of training will overcome this natural instinct. 
The drive to defend himself is a choice between flight or fight. If he chooses to stay and fight back, the canine will not want to look weak or frightened. In order to survive, hunters like dogs, lions and tigers need to behave this way. A full mouth bite only alters this instinct, but cannot completely overcome it. 

Importance of Communication

As I said in the blog post, To Motivate your Dog to work, when training a dog, you need to keep the lines of communication open. The canine needs stabilization that is the result of working with it in a natural, straightforward manner. Think that the nervous dog you can spot on a sporting field that refuses to bite in a manner unnatural to him is a wrong dog for the job? Rethink that! A dog uses his canine teeth to chew and digest its food. Why do we train it to use its molars?

Educate Yourself

Through this blog post, I aim to educate dog trainers sufficiently so that they can separate truth from the myths. Through stabilization, we can form dogs and their handlers into a team with their natural instincts and habits as their biggest strength. These teams will work whether in homes, on the streets or in law enforcement. 
A dog is gifted with natural abilities, like strong sense of smell, the bite and agility. We did not train them to acquire these and we should not try to take them away through training, either. The dog is an intelligent creature, fully capable of differentiating between bare flesh and a bite suit. With the sleeve on, a sporting dog will use his training and give a full mouth bite. Remove the sleeve and attack its handler and you will see the transformation for yourself. When under stress, the dog will use his canine teeth to protect his handler. 

Incorrect training is one of the biggest causes for the lawsuits brought in the court. If you train a dog in prey, how can you expect him to react in the same way in real life situations? Stabilize and remove factor that leads to unnecessary bites. The U.S.P.C.A. and Schutzhund fields do not factor here unless your life is also a part of the equation! 
To read more visit,

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Bark Exercise


Real Protection Training is not the same as Sport Training. The sporting world has given birth to a grave misconception, which has found its way into training dogs for law enforcement. It is called the Bark and Hold; we prefer to give it a more ominous yet accurate name,  ‘Bark and Die!’ It is not the only one of its variety; there are others, however, this is one really unwise practice to bring to the street. You might ask how you will protect an unsuspecting passerby or a child from getting bitten without this training. Read on to find out how. 

Programming vs. Training

An armed suspect’s body would be pumped full of adrenaline. A dog trained with the Bark and Hold method will approach the suspect, sit down and bark to tell the officer to approach. It could end in both the officer and the dog getting shot and it has, in several cases! Hence, my name, Bark and Die seems apt. Since that dog is programmed and does not think to distinguish between an armed assailant and an unarmed one, it will do exactly as it was taught. 

When we train a dog, through open communication, it can make conscious decisions. Some trainers might scoff at this idea and believe canines cannot function without programming. They use the sleeve, the ball and the towel tug to stop an intelligent creature from thinking and praise it for being goofy. Diminishing a dog’s desire to think has caused many of the problems that we see on the streets today. 

Think like a Dog

Imagine chasing a suspect with your human partner. When your partner runs ahead to a corner where he/she is not visible to you, the suspect is pointing his/her weapon at you, waiting. Meanwhile your partner just keeps reminding you by yelling, "Here he/she is” continuously. How would you respond? By coming around the corner, in response to his/her yells! Do you see that there is a flaw in the communication lines? 

We all want “sharp” and “driven” dogs but we overlook the problem in our training – the dog is never taught to solve a problem, if one arises. Instead of depending on a cue, the canine must team up with the handler. Down with Bark and Die, won’t you say? To read more visit,

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

To Motivate Your Dog to work

More than one dog owner has had trouble motivating their canine companions to work. Here are some of my thoughts on the subject:

Using Food or a Toy

Some dog trainers use this method to communicate or motivate a dog. They start to associate the command being given with the exercise. It is all well when being taught in play or prey; however, it might be easy to predict the dog’s reaction in a serious situation. Dogs trained this way will wait for the clicker to click or the toy to make a sound, rather than retreat! It is easy to deduce that while the dog was in communication with the accessory, it made no connection with its handler.

Communication Barriers

Is there ever a reason to raise communication barriers between yourself and the dog? When training a dog on what to do when in danger or under stress, being open and honest will take you farther than bribery ever could. 

You might complain that your dog is not taking it seriously; however, understand that serious work requires serious motivation and communication. You can only motivate the canine through your own motivation.

As explained previously, maintain a working attitude while working with your dog to let it realize the gravity of the training. Another important thing to take under consideration is the breed your dog belongs to, which has an impact on how it gets trained. Training a sled dog or a Shitzu to Search and Rescue would be pretty useless. Select a breed that will suit the “work” because someone’s life may be depending on your training!

Honesty and attentiveness when training your dog will serve you well in the field. Bribery will not. To learn
more visit,

Monday, April 27, 2015

Dogs That Make Good Guard Dogs


Man has entrusted guard dogs with the task of protecting him and his assets for a long time. It all began with humans trusting a guard dog to watch over their precious cattle. Today, this role has expanded to protection of the owner’s property and even family. Nothing can ever replace your family and if you are going to invest in a guard dog to protect yours, it should belong to the breed suited for the job. However, how do you decide which breed will make the best guard dog? The debate continues even to this day.

Guard Dogs over the Years

When distance limited man’s urge to travel, there was a lack of communication between areas of the world situated at large distances from each other. Dog trainers all over the world worked on various breeds with just one purpose in mind – to train dogs into the reliable guard dogs. Now, more than one mode of transport is available and the world seems to have shrunk. The breeds that had been hitherto endemic are now easily available worldwide. 

Another factor that has changed the world of guard dog training is that man was not the only one evolving with time. Canine breeds, too, have changed drastically. In the canine world, genes are the currency, and each different generation adds something new to the mix. Once considered ideal guard dog material, some breeds have been reduced to the life of a house pet today. The reason for this being their breed did not change fast enough or sufficiently enough to suit the demands of today’s world.

Best Breeds as Guard Dogs

A good guard needs nerves of steel, accompanied by shrewdness and strength. In this context, the breeds considered well suited to this purpose, in order, are:

German Shepherd
Belgian Malinois
Dutch Shepherd

What Makes a Good Guard Dog?

Though the three breeds mentioned above make for good candidates when considering guard dogs, it would be unwise to assume that all dogs from these breeds would make good guard dogs. Just like humans, one dog is different from another. Selecting a dog that will be appropriate for the job will depend on that very specific dog. However, good genetic makeup is the first step to a well-trained guard dog. German Shepherds, Belgian Malinois dogs, and Dutch Shepherds have bloodlines that humans have tinkered with for a long time, leading to their possessing the best bloodlines for the job. To read more visit,

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Use of E Collars in Training

The Promise

The media has made you a hollow promise by showing that a protection dog can be trained using an electric collar. Not only is this practice unproductive, it is also inhuman and the layman’s way out.

The Training

The K.N.P.V. program in use in Holland employs the use of electricity to train their dogs. The dog is supposed to find a box in the woods; since it cannot mouth it, the box has been rigged to electrify. A dog that has successfully found the box will bark to announce its success; if it does more and touches the box, it will receive a shock.

At CCPD, we do not believe in exposing our German Shepherds or Belgian Malinois dogs to such maltreatment. We are strongly opposed to this type of treatment because history attests how unpredictable and unreliable a dog that has been trained this way can be. During the Second World War, detection dogs were used to detect mines. These dogs were trained by administering electric shocks from wires lying just below the surface of the ground. It was thought that they would learn to anticipate danger in the ground this way.

The Side Effect

When trained in that way, it made the canines extremely nervous, effectively shortening their service lifespan. When you train a dog to anticipate pain, you put them under undeserved strain!

The communication between a protection dog and its handler is quickly becoming an extinct art. We, at CCPD, urge all handlers to communicate with their animal, instead of mistreating them in this way. To read more vist,

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Your Dog's Skin

If you see your dog scratching itself, it could probably be nothing or it might be a skin condition, making it itch. If you observe incessant scratching or that your dog is chewing at its own skin, understand that you have a problem at your hands. 
A perfectly healthy protection dog will have skin that will clue you in to its state of health. The canine’s skin is one of the first indications that it might be suffering from a skin problem that all dogs may experience. What increases the probability of these issues are unhealthy living environments. 

Types of Skin Problems

Some problems that your protection dog might experience include:
Hot spots
Acral lick Granuloma
Changes in color or texture
Yeast infections
Dry and flaky skin
Hair Loss and shedding 
Allergic Dermatitis

What Causes Skin Problems

Since a skin affliction might be caused by more than one reason, if you cannot discover its source, be vigilant in contacting your veterinarian. Some agents commonly found responsible are:
Seasonal allergies: Allergens like weeds, dust, and pollen in the air might lead to scratching.
Other causal agents are allergens present in dog food, colorings, and fillers.
At times, owners use products that are not geared specifically towards dog grooming. They are often the cause for skin problems. 
Changes in your protection dog’s metabolism or hormonal levels may also be responsible for textural or color differences.

How Serious are these Skin Problems

You should never take your dog’s health lightly. Skin problems can worsen and cause more damage than they would have, if caught and treated in the early stages. It is rather easy to spot, if your dog is experiencing them. Symptoms include:
Licking, scratching, or chewing,
Redness, scabs, scaly patches on face and paws, swellings or rashes,
Rubbing their face against the furniture or on the carpet

Curing Skin Problems

Once you spot that your dog has been scratching itself excessively, contact the vet immediately. When you take your dog in, a vet will do a skin biopsy on your dog. It will be tested for the presence of ringworm, blood, and allergies. A microscopic exam of the skin and hair may also be in order.
Post-diagnosis, the vet will advise you to give your dog a balanced diet. He might also use anti-parasitic shampoos and ointments; recommend dietary supplements, injections, or antibiotics that will reduce the intensity of the dog’s allergic reactions.

Prevention of Skin Problems

Since in most cases, prevention is better than cure, you can reduce the risks of your dog getting a skin problem by providing them with:
Hypoallergenic shampoos
Regular brushing
Healthy diet
Clean home

Optimal living conditions
To read more visit,

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Why Invest in a Personal Protection Dog

In an era of security alarms and monitoring homeowners may think they are protected from danger thanks to electronic devices.

This isn’t always the case with criminals becoming more tech online systems,savvy and hacking technology on the rise.
Protection from a highly trained dog can offer more security than any device can. They are effective, on-site protection that tells would be intruders or other criminals that they are being watched and will be stopped.
A select breed of dogs known for their exceptional protection qualities are available including German Shepherds, and Belgian Malinois dogs. These dogs are highly trained in defence measures to protect you and your family.

Nearly 70 per cent of people who choose CCPD are women. This is because a dog can be an excellent personal protection from attack or predators.
CCPD makes sure that the dog makes a smooth transition into the new home and has spent time working with female handlers.

Children can also feel safe and protected with a dog from CCPD. All protection dogs are trained to work around both adults and children from as early as five weeks (puppies).
They are the preferred choice for many CEOs who have to make frequent trips and leave their wife and children at home.

All the dogs trained at CCPD have been trained for social situations whether you have company over or are out running errands. They have been taught how to properly identify what is a threat and what is normal activity. They are highly socialized and make excellent companions so you never have to feel threatened in their presence. The dogs learn through real-life scenarios how to identify danger and protect those that care for them. 

CCPD has been matching dogs with new families for over 15 years and they work with each client to identify what the security needs are and what dog will work best in each situation.
Each dog is rated based on the level of protection required and what kind of working environment they will be in.

The Command Control Protection Dogs Executive Protection Dog is a well-mannered, sociable dog that is good with children and animals. They are trained with all off-leash obedience, aggression alert, and with further threat will take bite on body, release and return to handler on command.

To learn more about how CCPD can help you protect your family visit,

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Advanced Training For German Shepherd Dogs

California pioneer in advanced dog training techniques announces a unique Dog training system using a combination of communication, direction and correction training. 

CC Protection Dogs, a dog training center operating out of California has announced the development of a unique canine training system using an unique approach that incorporates communication, direction and correction training. The aim is to help dog owners build a more positive relationship with their canine companions. 

According to CCPD, a dog’s world (and the behavior within it) is not complicated but it definitely is intricate. To understand and communicate with dogs, dog owners need training in canine communication and body language. Dogs have a universal language that’s both subtle and wide-ranging. Real canine language is not just verbal. It’s, in reality, a rich visual language. 

An extension of the above, the well being of a dog and the quality of life of its owner is contingent upon building a relationship based on mutual trust and respect. An important part of building such a relationship is teaching a dog how to walk on a loose leash at all times. Because this is hard to adequately teach in an obedience class situation, teaching dogs how to stop, abruptly change direction or back up on a loose leash has been a guarded secret among dog trainers for a very long time. 

Another important aspect of both basic and behavioral canine training is the theory of corrections in dog training. It rests upon a core understanding that correction training in canines is not to punish a dog for inappropriate behavior. Instead it serves the purpose changing or “correcting” a behavioral trait in a dog for a more positive rapport between the dog and its owner. 

And these are the three pillars of the new advanced canine training system developed by CCPD. Encouraging a natural approach to help dog owners and their canine companions work together at a comfortable pace, CCPD is committed to providing a high quality dog consultation service and a variety of different training options to help bridge the gap between dog owners and their pet. 
CC Protection Dogs is a dog-training center specializing in selling Elite Family Estate Protection Dogs to high profile clients. See our trained German Shepherd for sale. 

The Military Dog

Man has started and finished wars since prehistoric times and his canine companions have been a very important part of his war efforts. History tells us of some civilizations that were unique in their practice of honoring both the two-footed and four-pawed soldiers involved in battles. They would revere the memories of brave canines that had fought right next to them, by painting murals. Times might have changed, as have the roles of dogs in warfare, but the practice continues. Military dogs are still a crucial part of many successful military campaigns.

Roles of Military Dogs

Even though military working dogs are deployed to the front lines of an ongoing battle very rarely, they are still play an important part. Their role has evolved with time  and they have very specialized roles now like in covert operations. As time has changed, so have the type of battlefields. The battles and campaigns that we face today are miles away from what our forbears faced and fought. Today, the enemy is often a wolf in sheep’s clothing, well hidden among the civilians. This is where military canines come into action. These dogs are trained to react within a split-second, if an armed “civilian” attacks or even passes by them.

In today’s world, weapons have diversified to include explosives that may be expertly hidden or disguised. By the time they are figured out, the damage has usually been done. A trained military dog is often used for scouting, surveillance and detection of such explosives. The military canine picks up on minute scents given off by explosive materials, before the explosives go off. Outfitted with the latest of technologies, canine can now help military teams scout an area before the others move in. Innovative advances now allow small cameras to be attached to the dog’s head, so that the handler can monitor and see what the dog sees beforehand.

Breeds Used As Military Dogs

German Shepherds form the lion’s share of all military working dogs while Belgian Malinois and Dutch Shepherds are slowly gaining popularity. Unfortunately, wearing a specially designed bullet-resistant Kevlar vest does not make a military canine indestructible. Often military memorials also bear the names of dogs who met their end while in service to their country. They only remind us of the true nature of a dog – loyalty and bravery to the very end. To read more visit,

Friday, April 17, 2015

Protection Dogs and DNA Testing

Why DNA Testing?
Owners of personal protection dogs may be proud of the breed of their dog; however, in many cases they do not know exactly what breed it is. Knowing the breed of your dog is very useful in the long run. If you are not completely certain what breed your dog is, try DNA testing. It is easy and the process does not take too long.

What is DNA Testing?

As mentioned above, DNA testing is important. For a dog’s DNA test,
A small tissue/saliva sample is taken – this will contain blood or skin cells 
Genetic profile is run – this will determine the DNA of your dog
Comparison with other profiles of known dog breeds – this will ascertain       which breed your dog belongs to.

It is a simple process and obtaining the sample from your dog is very easy while at home. Once you send it off to a lab, you just have to await the results. Even simpler is doing the DNA test at home, using a home kit. Many vets and breeders use them since these kits are the result of strict tests and are monitored to ensure you get a high quality product that gives you accurate results. They are a cheaper alternative to sending your dog’s samples to the vet’s office. There is also the added advantage of reducing your pet’s stress level when you do it at home.

Is DNA testing accurate?

This is the question that jumps to most people’s mind – yes, it is easy and simple, but is DNA testing even accurate? Several factors can affect the accuracy of a DNA test and subsequent results. The first and foremost is how you collect the actual sample. Before you get started, read the instructions very carefully so that you do not end up with a sample that does not contain enough DNA. 

The Final Verdict on DNA Testing

Should you get your dog’s DNA tested or not? It is really up to you. If as a dog owner, you do not care what breed your pet is, then do not have them tested. It is important to keep in mind, however, that with guard dogs, the breed of the dog really matters; same is the case with protection dogs. This is because not all breeds meet the protection dog requirements, including strong nerves, better instincts, courage, and various other factors. 

What to Do Next

If you have made up your mind to get a DNA test done on your guard dog, then on your next visit, ask the vet any questions that come to your mind regarding this matter. Your vet will provide you with some helpful hints, as well as recommend brands that give accurate results.

At CCPD, we take pride in providing our customers with purebred German Shepherd, Dutch Shepherd, and Belgian Malinois personal protection dogs. However, that is not always the case when you buy a dog from somewhere else. Your family’s personal dog might not be the breed you think it is when you bought it. A DNA test can help you solve this mystery. To read more visit,

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Need For Personal Protection Dog

Every year, The California Attorney General reports statistical crime data to the government and to the citizens of California . The latest report indicates that while crime rate decreased in every offense since 2012, the numbers are still a cause for concern. The violent crime rate is at 397 per 100,000 residents. Property crime, which has declined from 2008, is still at 2,665 per 100,000 residents. CC Protection Dogs, California’s reputable supplier of protection dogs recommends investment in a canine companion for the greatest peace of mind.

CCPD is a leading protection dog supplier in California with clients from all walks of life. The dogs are expertly taught to be fearless and defend their charge against assailants. This is achieved through a combination of communication, direction and correction training. Perry from CCPD tells us: “Most of our customers arrive at the decision to purchase a protection dog after having been a victim of burglary or assault. By taking the positive step to get a protection dog beforehand, people can spare themselves the emotional shock of having their property invaded or their loved ones threatened”.
With crimes rates in California falling but not low enough for peace of mind, many people are finding it hard to feel safe in their own homes. 

The popularity of crime-busting gadgets such as access control is on the rise but CCPD encourages investment in a canine companion too. Protection dogs provide a real deterrent to burglary and around the clock security. The challenge is to find a good fit. One size does not fit all and protection dogs require expert training to develop into trusted companions with the right skill set to defend against potential assailants.

CCPD is at the forefront of protection dog training in California with custom services available to dog owners and a selection of dogs from the best bloodlines. To view are available Dogs, visit our gallery at

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

CCPD'S Top Secrets To Keep Your Dog Fit

If you own a dog, caring for it is an important responsibility that requires a real and genuine personal commitment. It is important to make sure that everyone in the family shares in this responsibility and commitment. The dog that you bring into your home must honestly feel loved by each family member.

You can do five important things when caring for a dog to ensure it stays happy and healthy.
The first thing to know is that your dog needs water. Like any other living thing, your dog always needs fresh water to stay healthy. Poorly regulated contaminants, including harmful chemicals such as lead and even low levels of prescription medication, can enter into your tap water supply. The solution is to have a good water filter. A water filter will help remove most harmful toxins, making the water much healthier for both you and your dog.

The second thing your dog needs is highly nutritious, quality food. When you feed your dog, it is important to choose healthy ingredients. Many dog food labels on the market today are nutritiously quite deceiving. They may have dubious sourced ingredients or product mixes to comply with government labeling standards. They may contain things that you would probably not want your dog to eat. A good dog food is one that meets the higher labeling standard of being “complete and balanced.” When you choose your dog food look for one with more meat than fillers. When you are looking at the package look to see that it lists meats like lamb, beef, or chicken and that the fat to protein content meets recommended nutritional guidelines. Also, look to see if it contains natural preservatives, as these are much healthier for your dog.

The third thing you can do is make sure that your dog receives proper health care. It is very important that you take your dog to the vet for regular check-ups. Flea and heart worm control are common canine conditions that are easy to diagnose and prevent but extremely costly if not treated. Heart worms are parasitic mosquito-borne infections known to kill or injure dogs by damaging the heart and blood vessels. To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, taking your dog to the vet is an ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure.

The fourth thing you can do is exercise your dog. Many people don’t think about this as being one of the most important things that keeps a dog healthy, but it is. In the United States, 40 percent of dogs are considered overweight. Just like humans, it is important to keep your dog’s weight under control because it can lead to health problems. Help your dog exercise by doing things like taking it for daily walks. Exercise and playful workouts not only enhance the bonding experience but also can help avoid some behavioral problems.

Lastly, and probably the most important thing you can do for your dog is show affection. Letting your dog know that you care affects their health in the most positive way. To learn more visit,

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Advantages of Having a Protection Dog Puppy

At CC Protection Dogs, we also provide you with trained German shepherd protection puppies. Trained from an early age, our protection puppies will effortlessly integrate into your family. Here are some reasons why owning a protection puppy can be highly advantageous:

The breed, German shepherd, is synonymous with protection and the puppies are no different. Naturally defensive and highly protective, they are not only fearless and alert but the highly intelligent puppies are eager to learn. This means that they are highly malleable to any habits that you would want to promote in them.

We all know the importance of starting to learn at an early age. Our protection puppies come from the best of parents and are well trained, so that they become good protection dogs for your family as they grow up.
Forming a healthy relationship with your pet is of paramount importance. A protection puppy learns to trust and love you and your family, as it grows up with your children. With the consistency and stability your family provides it, that love will translate into obedience and protection.

Our protection puppies undergo physical conditioning, such as multiple brisk walks daily, as well as simultaneous mental stimulation that continually challenges the dog. A bored German shepherd puppy is not interested in learning and we make sure all of our protection puppies reach their full potential. Their training and your continual support helps them become balanced adults that will keep your family protected.

Since the only German shepherd puppies we provide have had exposure to children from a very early age, this allows them to integrate well and become a family member in your house.
The importance of a German shepherd puppy in realizing you as the leader of the pack and its alpha will only help it fulfill its role as a protective member of the household. The earlier you define that role in a puppy’s life, the easier it is for it to accept.

Our well-structured training helps us bring out the best in the puppies and lets you see them for who they actually are –one the most loyal, protective, versatile, and attentive dog breeds there is! When trained well, German shepherds loyally stick by you, no matter what happens, even following your instructions like clockwork!

When you adopt a German shepherd puppy at an early age, you reinforce the lessons that we have drilled into them through training. Consistency and stability reinforces what is expected of them as protection puppies, and later as protection dogs.

Along with a fully structured plan to train them at an age as early as 5 weeks, the protection puppies are also exposed to various environments and surfaces. This helps them deal with situations they are likely to encounter in the real world.

Our protection puppies are really one of a kind! See our adopt Puppies at,

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Around The Kennel : Change in the Season

Springtime around the kennel is the most exciting time of the year. It means warmer temperatures and longer daylight hours. This translates to more time spent exercising and training our dogs, more hours practicing agility on the course and extended bite work time.

Although we have an indoor training rink, we prefer to work outside. The Great weather also allows us to perform aquatic exercises. The dogs will be deployed across the pond, engage the target suspect and are then commanded to release and return to the side of the handler. Giving our dogs challenges like this prepare them for any situation they may encounter in the real world.

Spring is also whelping season. Cindy, one of our top Belgian Malinois, just whelped five strong, dense pups. Our newest litter still has a few pups not reserved; please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Lastly, CCPD has started a series of landscaping projects, including ingenious dens on the westside of our 5 acre state of the art facility.
We’ll keep you posted. To see more visit

Friday, April 10, 2015

CCPD'S Advise How To Train Your Dog

Years ago, when I received my personal protection dog from CC Protection Dogs, the trainers went into detail about how my dog was trained. In addition, I remember a story they told me about another trainer who called them seeking advice on how to work with a dog that had reached a learning impasse due to behavioral issues.

This trainer explained one of his methods for becoming the dog’s “pack leader” involved biting the ear of the dog, something wolves in wild packs do. Another ritual he adopted as a training technique involved “alpha rolling” the dog; again, something wolves do.

The problem this particular trainer had is that he viewed dogs and wolves in similar ways due to ancestral history. In fact, this well-meaning trainer was correct in his desire for control but his misunderstanding of the real dynamics of the human/dog relationship meant he was going about it the wrong way.

Over the years, I’ve heard other people advocate similar types of flawed training and I’ve concluded that dogs understand their role in the human world better than humans understand their role in the dog world. Simply put, dogs are smart enough not to confuse a human for a dog. I’m certain my executive protection dog doesn’t get the two of us confused.

Considering the complexity and intricacy of canine interactions, it would be arrogant to think that humans are able to accurately replicate a dog’s view of the world. Given that dogs are masters of body language, they view human attempts at imitating canine behavior as abnormal at best. When a dog bites another dog’s ear there is much more going on than meets the eye. We shouldn’t presume we understand what’s happening.

By observing wolf behavior, we really are highlighting the differences between wolves and dogs. The two behaviors are not interchangeable. The ways in which wolves interface with one another should not be applied to our own interactions with dogs; nor should the way dogs interface with each other.

The differences in the two species are apparent. While wolves do all that they can to avoid humans, dogs readily leave their litter mates to join them (the reverse of the pack instinct). Dogs will even defend their two-legged human companions against another dog. They are fully committed to defending their human handlers whereas wolf pack leaders often have to defend their position from rival members within their own pack. Such behaviors, a few of many, demonstrate that dogs view us differently than they view their own kind.

So when asserting yourself with your personal protection dog or canine companion, please keep in mind that he or she does not see you as another dog. Dogs see us as something they think is even better: a human. To learn more visit,

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Protection Dogs And Firearms

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the advantages of owning a personal protection Dog over purchasing a gun. My own recent experience at a shooting range proved first hand many of the reasons why, when it comes to personal safety and home security, trained dogs have the edge. Don’t misunderstand. As a security professional, I’m all for anything that makes a family safer; guns have their place in the matrix. But when it comes down to it trained dogs trump firearms.
At the range I had the opportunity to shoot both a 45 GLOCK and 44 Smith & Wesson. Much like the training course each client receives when we deliver a protection dog, it’s important to be properly educated before firing a gun. What struck me most is the awkwardness of handling a firearm.

Under stress, in a situation when someone is being attacked, a gun user would need to be very well practiced to accurately disable his or her aggressor. It’s not impossible since there are many gun enthusiasts that practice frequently. However, most people don’t have the time or desire to get to this level. With a Executive Protection Dog, the situation is different. At delivery, our trainers teach you everything you need to know. After we leave, you are free to call us 24/7 with any questions. The first few days after we leave may feel awkward but shortly thereafter you will feel completely comfortable. In a way, by daily walks, feeding and obedience, you are “practicing” with your dog- everyday. So if a situation should occur, giving your dog commands will feel as natural as shooting a target 20 feet away feels to some people.

Another great advantage of owning a protection dog revolves around family safety. Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of keeping a loaded gun in their home (especially with children) for obvious reasons. Leaving the gun in a secure place, unloaded, is a frequent solution. You may feel more secure with the unloaded gun but from a practical standpoint you will most likely not be able to find, load and discharge the gun if someone breaks into your home or assaults you. Guns offer peace of mind; this doesn’t necessarily equate to increased safety.
Laws in the US may increase gun ownership control, making it even more difficult to possess a gun. Concealed weapons permits are controversial and many states will only issue these under extreme circumstances.

Therefore, while it is possible to bring your dog with you in public it is increasingly more difficult to carry a firearm. Also, a protection dog is significantly more discreet.
Unlike a gun, protection dogs serve the dual purpose of having all of the attributes of a family pet. We never sell dogs that aren’t fond of children or other animals. So the upside is that in addition to having true personal security, you’ll also have an affectionate and fun companion. A companion with a natural instinct to guard, the training to back it up, who will not hesitate to protect- or even take a bullet for you. None of this can be said for a gun. Importantly, your protection dog can never be turned against his or her handler. Sadly, there are some who have had their own firearm turned against them while trying to protect themselves.

I once read a study where they asked individuals that if given the choice would they rather be shot, stabbed or bitten by a dog. Overwhelmingly, most chose to be shot or stabbed. The concept of being bitten by an animal was chosen as the most frightening. The first two choices were seen as less painful and less likely to inflict the most harm even though all three can be lethal. I’m not surprised and I completely agree. It is an instinct to have extreme fear of animals that are poised to bite- wild animals or those trained in defense of their handler.

All in all, you make the decision for what is best for your family. But from my perspective, a gun may make you feel safer but a protection or guard dog will undoubtedly make you safer. To read more go to

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Pit Bull Good Protection Dogs?

Pit Bulls are of the most ferocious and toughest dog breeds in the world, so many people wonder why they aren’t used as elite protection dogs. Especially since they are so strong, agile, and aggressive. While its true that pit bulls are athletic dogs that can both inflict and withstand a lot of pain, they are simply too unpredictable to be trained as elite protection dogs.

There are many pit bulls that make great family pets and guard dogs . These dogs are lucky enough to have very caring owners who take the time to train and socialize them properly. However, more often than not, pit bulls are not
trained and the animal reverts to its instinctive aggressive nature. Sometimes these untrained dogs attack neighbors, other animals, or even newborn infants.

Pit bulls were bred for centuries to be used in dog fighting and bull baiting, and only with extensive, proper training, can this tendency for violence be controlled. Unfortunately, many pit bull owners don’t bother with training, or even worse, they encourage the aggressive behavior. Pit bulls are found in animal       shelters across the country because of lazy or uninformed owners.

Pit bulls do make excellent guard dogs, and can be used for basic protection of your home and property. Many pit bulls will instinctively attack an intruder, and the mere sight of a pit bull is often enough to scare away criminals. Some pit bulls can be even trained to attack on command, but the consistency of attack and release can be sketchy. Put simply, they are highly trainable, yet have been known to
sometimes rebel. German Shepherd puppies and Belgian Malinois, on the other hand, are consistent, predictable, and make perfect elite protection dogs.To learn more visit

Monday, April 6, 2015

Female Protection Dogs

When it comes to protection dogs, most  customers normally request a male dog. The military, law enforcement and clients seeking K9 security dogs overwhelmingly feel that males are the most
physically imposing and effective visual deterrent.

Therefore, the majority of dogs that I train are males in order to meet this demand. It is unfortunate, however, that the special attributes that a female brings to the table aren’t widely known. All in all, female protection dogs are extremely capable; they just have an image problem.

Marketing over the years has misaligned female dogs as weaker and less able to defend their handler. Nothing could be further from the truth! Once females have been introduced into their new family they almost always bond closer to their family than their male counterparts. More affectionate and less independent, watching over and protecting their owner is a much deeper emotional affair. The intensity of their bite, when in defense, is actually greater.

It has been my experience that female protection dogs are much easier to train and learn at a faster rate. They are adept at integrating into their new family and swiftly blend into any situation they are consigned to. They are fantastic at blending with family pets and children. Size really isn’t an issue since there are plenty of females that are physically formidable. CCPD is able to provide any size or build that you desire, male or female.

One of my own personal protection dogs is a female. CCPD produces exceptional dogs and  Cindy fits the CCPD profile of everything an outstanding protection dog should be. Yet there is a certain ‘protective tension’ that can be felt when she is at my defense. Teeth bared, saliva, stiff stance, intense growling, just as spectacular as my male personal protection dog but with a slightly more hot-blooded twist. She’s a protection dog with the added benefit of being like an over protective mother all rolled into one.

So when you call us to talk about ownership of a protection dog, whether it be a German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois , please keep an open mind when considering gender. You’ll be very happy with one of our males but the benefits of the female canine should be recognized. To view our available Trained German Shepherds for sale visit our site at

Friday, April 3, 2015

The Advanges Of A Family Protection Dog

Many families believe that if they get a certain dog breed, like a Rottweiler or a German Shepherd for example, it will automatically protect their homes owing to their instincts. That is a huge misconception. In fact, almost all dogs will go with ‘flight’ instead of ‘fight’ when faced with this situation. That is the self-preservation instinct in effect. 
The Soaring Crime Rate

When we talk about the increasing crime rate, we are left with only a few options to pursue. You can get a new security alarm system, or a personal weapon for self-defense. 
On the other hand, a Protection dog that has been trained effectively, serves to protect the entire family from threats and criminals trying to break in or attempting to harm your loved ones. 
There are various types of Protection Dogs that you can get for yourself:

A guard dog gives you and your family a sense of security. You feel more comfortable when you leave your home or your valuables and are not around to keep an eye on them. Check out CC protection dog’s website and go through their professionally trained dogs for sale. These dogs are trained for families, women, and children.  

But is the benefit of owning a 
Protection  Dog limited to making you feel safer? Not at all; there is a lot more to owning a  Personal Protection dog of your own.
Responds Fast

Protection  dogs are more responsive and have faster reflexes. This way, whatever you command them to do, they will be at it on your first cry. A dog with obedience training will not be as quick to respond as a professionally trained guard dog will.
 Protection dogs are extremely loyal. They are trained to only listen to their owner’s commands. Protection dogs cannot be bribed by others and will never accept treats from strangers, thus making it difficult for a criminal to get the best of them. 
A trained Protection Dog will protect you when you need to be protected, while being your loyal companion the rest of the time. Few things can compare to a pet’s love for their owners. 

A protection dog is a confident canine, sure of its strength, and therefore will not act like a ‘junk yard dog’ one-time biter when faced with a situation.  Protection dogs have better health as they are physically fit, and unlike most dogs, do not respond adversely to sudden noises and other form of stimulus unless the situation demands it.  At CC Protection Dogs, you will find dogs both young and old. If your family would like to have a young trained pooch as a part of their family then you can have those too. To view our available  Trained German Shepherd for sale visit