Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Use of E Collars in Training

The Promise

The media has made you a hollow promise by showing that a protection dog can be trained using an electric collar. Not only is this practice unproductive, it is also inhuman and the layman’s way out.

The Training

The K.N.P.V. program in use in Holland employs the use of electricity to train their dogs. The dog is supposed to find a box in the woods; since it cannot mouth it, the box has been rigged to electrify. A dog that has successfully found the box will bark to announce its success; if it does more and touches the box, it will receive a shock.

At CCPD, we do not believe in exposing our German Shepherds or Belgian Malinois dogs to such maltreatment. We are strongly opposed to this type of treatment because history attests how unpredictable and unreliable a dog that has been trained this way can be. During the Second World War, detection dogs were used to detect mines. These dogs were trained by administering electric shocks from wires lying just below the surface of the ground. It was thought that they would learn to anticipate danger in the ground this way.

The Side Effect

When trained in that way, it made the canines extremely nervous, effectively shortening their service lifespan. When you train a dog to anticipate pain, you put them under undeserved strain!

The communication between a protection dog and its handler is quickly becoming an extinct art. We, at CCPD, urge all handlers to communicate with their animal, instead of mistreating them in this way. To read more vist,

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