Monday, March 30, 2015

Top Tip How To Take Care Of Your Dog

Bringing a full grown dog home for the first time? Know how to take proper care of it? There’s a lot of baggage that comes with a dog, and you need to have the right knowledge to be able to deal with all the associated issues effectively and take care of it an optimal manner. Here are the top tips that you need to know when taking care of your Protection Dogs. 
Your Dog’s Paws


Your dog’s paws can easily crack. Do not use a moisturizer meant for human use on your dog’s paws; these make them way too soft and leads to the canines injuring themselves. Get advice from your local vet and use the prescribed moisturizer as instructed.


You need to trim your dog’s paw hair on a regular basis. All you have to do is comb the hair out from between the toes and trim the hair evenly with paw pads. Dogs can easily get cut and are prone to small wounds. If the wound is less than half an inch, clean it with antibacterial wash, and wrap it with bandage. 
The scorching summers are almost upon us, and this will mean extra attention to your dog. Stepping barefoot onto hot pavement is always a cause for concern when it comes to dogs. To prevent your dog suffering from blisters and burns, you need to ensure that, when walking your dog, it stays away from hot sand or the pavement. Red patches and loose skin are signs that your dog needs a break from the extreme heat.
Always Take Care Of What You Feed Your Dog
Start with your pet’s drinking water. Fresh clean water tops the list over all the nutrients that your canine needs. 10% of a dog’s body consists of water. They need this for tissue lubrication and cell function. Water becomes more important if it is hot outside. 

Canned Food Or Dry Food

Canned food does look a lot better than dry cuisine for canines. But canned food is not necessarily better for your guard dog. Recent studies show that dry and canned food both, are nutritionally whole. However, you need to weigh the choice with that of your pet dog’s specific nutritional needs, health, age, and preference. 
Dry food for instance, help the dog get rid of plaque buildup on teeth, and are lower in fat content and high in carbs. Canned food on the other hand is tastier and good to treat your dog with as a break from all that dry food. 
There is nothing wrong with feeding some of your leftovers once in a while. But do not make it part of the canine’s daily diet. 
At CC protection, all the dogs are well-trained, providing not only a sense of protection, but also companionship, getting along perfectly with you and your family. To learn more visit 

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