Friday, June 5, 2015

How Your Dog Communicates With You

There is more to a man’s relationship with dog than just affection and sincerity. Dogs connect and communicate with humans on a more spiritual level. They not only use physical actions to communicate but they also send messages through non-verbal signals, postures, and body language. Dogs are known as a man’s best friend. This saying can’t be truer as the bond that a dog and a human share is superior than the bond that a dog shares with other creatures. It can be said that the bond between humans and dogs is on another level, a level which is complex and controversial. 

As humans, we accept only one form of communication i.e. verbal. As the most superior creatures, we believe that dogs do not have the capability to feel and think like us. That’s the reason we fail to form a spiritual or a deeper bond with them. However, it is true that dogs are extremely intelligent and capable of communicating to us on a deeper level. It is not just simple actions and tricks that helps you interact with the dog but there is more meaning behind every action the dog makes, and every signal that it sends. To be able to understand the bond between humans and dogs, let’s take a look at the different ways dogs communicate with us since the time they are young pups.

The Truest Form of Communication

To understand a dog’s reaction to human expressions and actions, we need to consider a few examples. Just like a little child, a puppy follows its owners/guardians. When you pick up a ball from the ground, you will notice that your puppy will pick it up after you. Every move you make the puppy copies. 
This happens because the puppy is interested in the things that its owners are doing. It gets involved in practices that it observes around itself. When you show interest in anything, your dog will too. This is the purest form of communication that happens without any verbal signals. The dog shows interest in things that its owner is interested in. This is a great revelation that tells us that a dog is capable of following our commands to our will.

How Dogs Help Detect Threats

When you closely observe a dog’s behavior, you will come to know dogs can be trained to follow certain desirable actions. The dogs that are part of the military squads and help detect drugs, explosives, and weapons; they develop these skills upon receiving training from humans. If you start training a dog to detect drugs and explosives, you might be intimidated to use toys and treats as a way to bribe the dog to perform in a certain way. However, the thing that you are missing is that your dog will only take interest in things that you are interested in. You might find positive reinforcement training techniques helpful but if you believe that the dog is able to understand your expressions and feelings on a deeper level, you would not use such techniques while training the dog to detect explosive and drugs. 
The dog will be interested in the toys more and will be distracted from the actual detection task. Therefore, it is important to understand that a dog will show interest in detection if you communicate with it in a more effective way. Dogs often make use of verbal actions to point out things to their owners. When the dog sees a stranger walking into the door, it barks to communicate with you using verbal signals. Signals like these are extremely helpful as they help keep the homeowners aware of intruders and thieves.

Focusing Your Interest

The best way to make your dog learn detection tricks is to focus your attention towards it. Do not add distractions to the training process and understand that your dog will show interest in the things you focus on. To be able to train your dog to detect drugs and explosive, you need to connect with your dog on a more spiritual level. However, many people fail to believe that dogs and humans can communicate spiritually. 
When you focus on something that you want your dog’s attention at, you will witness that your dog will also put its focus on that thing. There is no need to use toys and treats to bring the dog’s attention to a desired thing because your dog will sense your signals and will put its focus on the same thing without needing any distraction. 

Developing Trust

When we talk about military dogs, we need to know that these dogs are trained to detect drugs and explosives. The great thing about these dogs is that they perform their task without alarming the people in the surrounding. To train a dog to detect explosive and drugs is a complicated task. However, with the help of trust, the desired results can be achieved rather easily.
The handler and its dog should have a bond of trust. The handler should be able to trust the dog’s every action and similarly, the dog should trust the handler for every action that they command it to perform. This bond of trust can only be formed if the trainer and the dog are connected spiritually. 
During detection training, the handler should be able to trust the dog’s instincts. It is not a good practice to discourage the dog for its judgment. To be able to benefit from the dog’s detection skills, you need to trust it. 

Teaching the Dog to Communicate in an Improved Way

Dogs are super active and possessive about their owners. Moreover, they protect their owners from harm and threats. We often find our dogs barking at strangers on the road. However, instead of considering the dog’s behavior or trying to understand the message that it is trying to communicate, we correct it for barking loudly at someone. We need to consider the signals that our dogs send us. Instead of trying to teach it a better way of communicating, we correct its behavior by making it wear a collar or by scolding it. 
You need to train your dog to communicate in a way that is acceptable for you and everyone else. However, to do so you need to understand that a dog is capable of communicating in several other ways including non-verbal signals. Therefore, train your dog to silently communicate with you without making everyone aware. The dogs in military are trained to send silent signals to their handlers. They do so because they are responsible for detecting threats that may cause panic in others. Dogs can also be trained to detect bed bugs, other animals, weapons, and molds. However, the key is to understand that they can be trained to detect things in a subtle way. 

Communication through Sound, Scent, Thought, and Intent

A dog communicates with humans in a variety of ways including scent, sound, thought, and intent. Therefore, as dog handlers, owners, guardians, and trainers, we need to understand that a dog’s communication skills are beyond the physical realm. If we just believe in our dogs and their capability of connecting with us, we will come to know that there are several ways to stay in touch with the dog and the signals that it is trying to send to us. Read more

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Pack Structure

A stable and established pack structure is very important when you are dealing with adult dogs. This is because they may become aggressive otherwise. To get a dog to respect you, you have to do more than take care of it. You need to teach a dog respect and establish yourself as the leader of the pack in the dog’s eyes. 
It is important to tell your dog how to behave, especially for new dog owners. It helps you get the animal under control with more confidence. They come to understand how a dog’s nature is influenced by traits, both acquired and inherited.

Humane societies come across many dogs who have been turned in because their temperament is unstable because of their genetics. It is not abuse that has made them this way but an owner who did not know how to provide a stable pack structure to the animal! The drive to acquire a rank in that faulty pack structure is what makes them behave the way they do.
At times, treating your dog anthropomorphically can lead to development of dominance issues in the dog. A dog is to be treated like a pack animal – the pack being your family. Most owners then have the troubled animal put to sleep or turn to a shelter.

Obedience training is useless, if you aim to teach your dog about pack structure. We do not ask you to forego obedience training completely but rather to combine with the steps that we suggest later in this article. If you send your dog off to a professional dog trainer, the animal learns to mind the trainer, however , when back home, he will have forgotten all his lessons since it was not the owner who trained him. A dog’s intelligence can be gleaned from the fact that he will revert to his obedient self, when he meets the trainer but he will not accord you the same level of respect!

Laying the groundwork

Be aggressive towards the canine – not even raising your voice!
Accept him to roll over
Use hard leashes
Depend on your love to correct his behavior – loving your pet unconditionally will not be enough to make him see you as the pack leader.
Confuse simple commands like, “come”, “sit” or “heel” with groundwork.
Use human psychology on your canine – the solution to his behvaorial problems does not lie in his past.
Behave like the leader of the pack and show your pet his responsibilities and limits.
Understand your daily behavior with him will determine how he behaves.
Realize you will need to modify your training, if you own a dog abused by his previous owners.
Comprehend that is never too late to correct behavioral issues.
Accept that everybody – from your gardener to the grocer– will tell you how to train your dog!
Recognize that dogs of all breeds – sizes and ages – need to be trained on how to behave. While the training is not breed-based, it will be specific to each dog since they all have varying temperaments and drives.


What to do after bringing your new dog home

The first step is social isolation for three or 4 days – or more, depending on how dominant the dog is. 
Pet the dog
Play with the dog
Apply this method on puppies


Feed the animal
Walk him
Provide him with a clean place to sleep

Earning the privilege to roam around without a leash

Yes, it is a privilege and your pet needs to earn it. Even if the formal obedience training does not start until later, it is good to bond with him early. When you let him realize that you are in control, he will start to respect you. Similarly, be fair to the animal and always issue corrections when warranted. Fairness will form the basis of a respectful relationship. He needs to learn that affection is earned.
Let the dog off the leash until you are outside
Let him have the run of the house for some months – all activities are to be done while on the leash.
Push yourself on the dog
Hit or yell at him, if a crate stresses him.
Leave him alone at home, unattended.
Let him back in the crate – and on leash – when he misbehaves
Act aloof since you are the leader of the pack
Throw in a treat or a bone, if your dog does not like being confined in a crate.
Let him realize barking will not get him out of the crate but only extend the time he stays in it.
Use a plastic airline crate. 
Keep the crate in the family area, so the animal gets used to the ways of the family more quickly. 

Earning your affection

Petting means something completely different to a dog. To him, demanding to be petted is a show of dominance. Let him realize that while you will pet him, it will be on your terms. One of the pack drive issues, this is because the alpha of the pack expects grooming as his right.
Overdo petting
Pet him when he has not earned it
Ignore the dog when he wants to be petted
Scold him, if ignoring does not work

Earning the right to play

Another privilege that needs to be earned. Withholding play for a while ensures that it will mean more to the dog when finally allowed.
Play a lot in the initial stages
Give him new toys – can trigger aggression in the initial stages
Pick a fight that you might end up losing
Make him realize you own the toys and you can take them back
Store the toys in a bag, not strewn around
Keep him on the leash even while playing

Interaction with family members

That is a big don’t. Never let your family members pet or play with the dog until your role as his alpha has been established. It will help you establish the roles of other members later.
Let a child younger than the age of seven near a new dog.
Try to teach a dog that your children rank higher than he does.
Make sure you are always present to supervise when kids are interacting with the dog.
Make him understand that your child is off-limits
Ascertain he realizes there will be serious consequences to breaking the second rule.

Interaction with people outside of the family

Allow people other than your family to interact with your dog.
Correct your dog, if he runs to a stranger and demands petting.
Be firm in your corrections
Ask strangers – and others, not family – to not pet your dog.

Exercise can correct most behavioral problems since a dog that is being exercised will not be a bored dog who does not get into trouble. 
Allow a dog out for jogging, if they are younger than twelve months.
Over-exercise your dog since it can lead to skeletal failure. 
Allow a new dog outside without a collar
Allow your dog to interact with stranger dogs while out walking.
Employ a weighted dog vest when walking your dog.
Use swimming to exercise your dog, along with long walks
Use a prong collar to correct the behavior of a dog who likes to pull on his leash.
Drive a stranger dog away, if one does approach your pet – it is your job as the leader of the pack. Gas stray dogs to keep them away or use a stick.

Walking through doors and using the stairs

Both are important displays of your leadership over your dog and may be used to make him defer to your status. 
Let your dog go before you do.
Reinforce the lesson, in case your dog does not get it the first time.
Opening the door, so that a dog can only stick his head through it is how you approach this lesson. If he tries to push his body through, hold him in place. Do not let them pull their head back either. Holding the position for a few seconds will make them realize that when there is a door in the way, they need to wait to be let through.
We recommend you keep your dog on a raw all-natural diet. An alpha takes care of the lower-ranking members of his pack and that means he takes care that they are fed. Here is how you should go about feeding:
Let the dog inside the crate and then put the food in. Do it the other way around.
Harass the dog after you have given him food, so that he cannot eat it.
Feed the dog yourself initially and while he is in the crate.
Grooming Habits

Since grooming is an expected practice between pack members, spending a few moments grooming your dog is required. Again, the goal here is to establish control and make him see you as the pack leader.
Allow the dog to behave restlessly during the grooming.
Keep your touch soft, so your dog understands that you like him.
Praise your dog at the end of the grooming session and signal him that the session is over.

Staying away from vaccinations

Even though, we would prefer you do your own research, we tend to stay away from vaccination. It is our belief that they can cause health problems in a dog. If you are providing him with a healthy all-natural diet, his immunity will keep him away from illness. Too many vaccinations can cause auto-immune diseases in dogs.

Establishing a meaningful bond makes you both want to spend time together. Do not disregard its importance or the happiness it can add to your life and your dog’s.  Read more

Monday, June 1, 2015

Bad Breeders

When it comes to getting a dog as pet, everyone has a different opinion and preference. You cannot tell someone to adopt from a shelter and not buy from a breeder just because you had a bad experience in the past. Everyone has the right to make their own choice for their future family member. However, a recent trend gaining quite a lot of popularity is to adopt and not to buy. Although it might be good to adopt a dog from a shelter and make space for more abandoned dogs, there is no harm in buying from a breeder. The thing that matters the most when going for the breeder option is that the breeder must be a responsible person. There are many breeders out there who have only one goal in mind; to earn as much money as possible without providing proper care to the dogs. 
So, if you are going to buy a puppy from a breeder, make sure you are aware of the signs of an irresponsible breeder. Let’s start with it!

Sign #1: The Breeder doesn’t Encourage Visits

The biggest sign of a bad breeder is that they don’t want you to visit their home or facility. A responsible breeder would want the future puppy owners to visit the puppy’s home and learn about the environment it lives in. However, if a breeder is always offering to visit your home with the puppy and not invite you over to theirs, then know that there is something fishy. Many backyard breeders try to keep buyers from visiting them because they have a small area where they keep puppies in crates. If the breeder that you are in contact with is not inviting you for a visit, then this is a warning sign and you should avoid buying from them. 

Sign #2: The Breeder Makes Excuses when you ask to meet with the Puppy’s Parents

It is extremely important for buyers to meet with the puppy’s family and its parents. A good breeder will always encourage you to meet with the parents to take a look at their temperament and breed qualities. If a breeder makes excuses when you ask to meet with the puppy’s parents, then there is a problem. Breeders are more than willing to make buyers meet the littermates and parents because it gives them a good idea of how their puppy is going to be like. They also get to learn the qualities that their pup will have as it grows. By taking a look at the puppy’s parents, you can easily come to a decision that whether you want to buy the puppy or not. 
However, if the breeder isn’t allowing you to meet with the parents, then there is a high chance that the parents or the mother is in bad shape. Meeting the puppy’s parents is essential for getting to know the breed and learn vital information about it. A responsible breeder will go to any lengths to ensure that you are satisfied with the breed and the puppy’s family.

Sign #3: The Puppies did not spend Enough Time with Their Mom and Littermates

Puppies need to stay with their moms for at least eight to ten weeks. This period in a puppy’s life is very crucial and the puppy learns a lot from its mother and its littermates. If the breeder tells you that the puppy did not spend a lot of time with the mother, then you should stay away from the breeder. Puppies form basic behavioral and social skills from their mothers and littermates. However, if they did not get to spend enough time with them, they are more likely to be aggressive and have problems socializing with others. No one wants to buy a puppy that doesn’t socialize with the whole family. So, if that’s what your breeder tells you, it is best to stay away. 
Sign #4: The Breeder doesn’t have the Puppy’s Medical Records
When you are buying a puppy from a breeder, you have to keep a lot of things in mind and one of them is the puppy’s medical records. Whether it is a breeder, private owner, or a shelter, every puppy should have an up-to-date medical file with all of its medical records in it. If a breeder tells you that they did not keep a record of the puppy’s vaccinations, check-ups, and medicines, then there is a high chance that the puppy was never taken to the vet. A responsible breeder wants the best for their pups. That’s the reason they hand-over a proper medical file to the buyers. A medical file is a proof that the puppy had been under great care and is safe to buy.

Sign #5: The Breeder doesn’t inquire about you and Your Family

A responsible breeder is eager to question the family that comes to buy puppies from them. They always have lots of questions because they want their pups to go to the best homes. A good breeder will ask you the following questions:

Your knowledge of the breed.
The reason you want to buy.
The environment of the home that the puppy will be living in.
The number of people in the family.
Information about the person who will act as the main caretaker.
Your experience with any pets.
The number of pets that you have in the home.
The vet that you will take the puppy to.
And many more.

If the breeder is asking you a lot of questions, then there is no need to get worried as the breeder just wants to make sure that the puppy is a perfect fit for the family. Moreover, breeders often give advice to families for providing good care to the puppies so that they don’t face any trouble afterwards. 

Sign #6: The Breeder doesn’t have Specialization in One Breed

Responsible breeders do not handle different dogs because their main purpose is to improve a particular breed. However, if a breeder deals with several breeds, then it is a clear sign that they do not focus on making the breed better. Breeding is a complex process that involves a lot of challenges. A good breeder has to take several things into consideration before they are fully ready to pair dogs. A responsible breeder will look for parents that have certain personality traits and characteristics. They also need to take a close look at the medical records and genes of the parents to ensure that the litter will be disease free and healthy. There are many more things that a breeder needs to keep in mind including the parents’ looks. So, if the breeder you choose breeds multiple breeds, then know that they are not going to be responsible. 

Sign #7: The Breeder has a Huge List of Available Puppies

A responsible breeder never has a lot of puppies available in the waiting list. These breeders never breed until they have several people waiting to buy puppies so that the entire litter finds good homes. Many responsible breeders already have families waiting for the litter to be born. Therefore, if a breeder tells you that they have a lot of puppies on their list, be aware as the breeder might not be that credible.

Sign #8: The Breeder doesn’t want to Sign a Contract

A responsible breeder always makes people sing a contract before they buy puppies from them. This piece of document is a necessity which ensures that the puppy has been bred responsibly and is going to be taken care of by the family. The contract also includes information about the puppy’s health. If you are buying a larger breed, then you need to make sure that the contract contains medical reports of the puppy’s hip examination to avoid any hip diseases in the future.  Another important clause that should be included in the contract is that the owner can always return the puppy to the breeder if they are unable to keep it with them. 

Sign #9: The Breeder is not Part of Breed Specific Clubs

A good breeder is always willing to learn more about the breed that they specialize in, and the best way to keep up-to-date with breed information is to be a part of breed specific clubs. If the breeder is not passionate about breeding, they will not care to get involved with breeding clubs and informative events. So, when you meet up with a breeder, make sure you ask them about their participation in local, regional, and national breed specific clubs. If the breeder is not part of any clubs, then there is a high chance that they are not as knowledgeable as they should be. A good breeder should always be eager to learn new things about the breed they are dealing with. This makes them improve the breed and act responsible towards them. 

Sign #10: The Breeder doesn’t Encourage Future Contact with You

Breeders are the closest to their puppies and they act as their guardians. They are also extremely attached to them since the time of their birth. Therefore, if a breeder tells you that they don’t want to stay in contact with you after you have bought the puppy, then this is a sign that the breeder is careless or is hiding something from you. It is not possible for a good breeder to not keep in touch with the family that is buying their puppies. So, be careful of the breeders that just want to get rid of their puppies. 

Wrap Up!

If you have decided that you want to buy a puppy from a breeder, then beware of the signs mentioned in this article. The sign of a responsible breeder is that they are always willing to help families and are open to their questions. They also actively stay involved with the families that buy puppies from them. If you are being careful in scrutinizing the breeder, then there is nothing wrong in buying puppies from them. After all, it is your responsibility to ensure that your new fluffy family member is coming from a good and healthy environment, and is a perfect fit for your home. Read more